Optimize Your AJIO Success: Expert Seller Account Management Services

Unlock your full potential on AJIO with our comprehensive seller account management services. From strategic optimization to targeted marketing, we handle it all, so you can focus on growing your business

AJIO Seller Account Management Services

Managing a seller's account on the Indian e-commerce platform Ajio is the focus of the Ajio Seller Account Management Service. Sellers can increase sales, improve operations, and optimize their listings by managing their Ajio account effectively. The main elements of the Ajio Seller Account Management Service are listed below.


We provide customized business intelligence and sales reports to help you select the right products for selling, suitable pricing and the right amount of inventory. Everything we do from strategy creation and campaign building to campaign optimization and maintenance is complete with keeping ROI at the forefront.


Our diligent team possesses the right skill sets to match all your requirements related to content creation for each product; we do it all that helps your business to reach and sustain in the top position.


Digidir will skilfully help you in deploying marketing and advertising services right from scratch and even help you measure and analyse the performance metrics of your offers and promotions so you can get better ROI. Get ready to drive traffic and improve visibility of your products and scale up your online sales.

Daily/Weekly Reporting of AJIO

Our primary goal is to provide thorough reporting and tracking for your weekly and daily progress reports. You may watch as we help your business expand.


Analytics Reporting for e-commerce is essential to understand and interpret the market system. Our analysis will help you to understand what points are responsible for increasing traffic, boosting engagement, testing, and most importantly increasing conversions.

Competitor Analysis

There are hundreds of merchants offering the same goods at different price points making the marketplace very dynamic and competitive. In the dynamic landscape of business, understanding your competitors is not merely an option; it's a strategic imperative. Competitor analysis involves the systematic examination of your rivals, their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and market positioning valuable insights that inform your own business strategy.

We also help You Sell on

How We Work


First, we will assign an account manager to your Ajio account so they can familiarize themselves with your company, your operations, and your objectives. You can speak with our staff to express your specific needs and goals for our collaboration.


After we understand your goals, we will design a special plan to help you advance your company. This will entail taking care of problem areas as well as figuring out how to expand and optimize the aspects of your company that are successful.


We will implement your personalized blueprint for e-commerce success after creating it and keep in touch with you along the road. You'll be able to see our work and assist in guiding the company into a more promising future.


The most important aspect of this process is to keep up the progress we've achieved, optimize more, and provide you with the resources you need to grow your company into something bigger. To safeguard the future of your company, we'll assist you in doing just that.

What Makes Us The Best Marketplace Service Provider

In the first place, DigiDir is a well-established ecommerce service provider with years of experience and expertise with not just Amazon, but also all other popular leading marketplaces like Flipkart, Jiomart and Meesho. In addition, DigiDir Solutions is an accredited, certified and part of Amazon SPN Service Provider Network. We understand how online marketplaces work. Even more important, we understand the seller dilemmas and expectations, the challenges they face, their opportunities and growth achievable. We are experts thoroughly familiar with each online marketplace and its regulations and assist sellers with full commitment and total Amazon seller support to succeed. Our services fuse together innovation, experience backed with expertise, data analytics and marketing wizardry to assure success. We identify emerging opportunities, help you tap them and use IT as the backbone of operations to succeed in driving sales. We are marketplace gurus, here to change your destiny.


sachin sahni-image-digidir
Sachin Sahni CEO

"Young energetic team. Passionate about their work."

Erik White General Manager

"It has been a pleasure working with them creating a strategy for my company and even some more things."

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Marissa Miller Founder

"Can say about these guys only good words."

Pranay Nirgude BDE

"Good Team. Have the dedication with brands and also with the clients they are associated with."

    Frequently Asked Questions

    AJIO listing management involves optimizing product listings on the AJIO marketplace to improve visibility, attract more customers, and drive sales. This includes tasks such as product descriptions, image enhancements, pricing strategies, and inventory management.

    Utilizing AJIO listing management services can benefit your business by increasing your brand's presence on the platform, maximizing product visibility to potential customers, boosting sales, and ensuring your products remain competitive in the marketplace.

    Yes, you will maintain control over your AJIO listings. DigiDir agency collaborates closely with clients to understand their brand identity, goals, and preferences, ensuring that listing optimizations align with their vision and objectives.

    DigiDir stays updated with AJIO's policies and guidelines to ensure that all listings remain compliant. They implement best practices and industry standards to create and manage listings, avoiding any potential violations that could impact your brand's reputation or account status.

    DigiDir monitors various metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of AJIO listing management services. These include metrics such as sales performance, conversion rates, product visibility, customer engagement, and overall listing optimization. Regular reporting and analysis help optimize strategies for better results.

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